Oh hey, midterm elections. How did I fail to notice that you were just around the corner?
Category: City Council
Bike and scooter sharing programs now need a permit from the City Manager in order to operate inside Hillsboro, but city staff will not be issuing permits for a year or so.
The new system, announced at last night’s city council meeting, is called “HiHillsboro WiFi.” That name doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, but it’s free Wi-Fi so who cares?
City council took two steps toward municipal gigabit internet access on Tuesday, June 19, approving a rough plan to staff the utility and executing a contract to design and build the first phase of the project.
Block 67, better known as the former Hanks Thriftway site, is shaping up to be a mixed use development with office space, apartments, and potentially a small grocery store in the vein of Trader Joes.
Hillsboro’s City Council seems divided about the prospect of adding food composting to city waste collection services. Councillors discussed the idea with staff during a May 15 work session.
Residential garbage rates are going up $2.90 a month in Hillsboro following a City Council vote last week. The change was prompted in part by new requirements in China for recycled goods.
Hillsboro plans to put a camera on every police officer later this year, but if you want to see any footage it’s going to cost you.
City Council voted to buy 1,800 streetlights, currently owned by PGE, at a cost of $1,476,721.30 during its May 15 meeting.
Imagine gigabit internet speeds at home, for an estimated $50 a month, with no data caps and total respect for net neutrality. If you live in Southwest Hillsboro, or plan on living in South Hillsboro when housing is ready there, that could be a reality for you in 2019. City council directed city employees yesterday to move forward in those two neighborhoods. South Hillsboro, as new construction, is a simple place to roll out a project like this, while the Shute Park neighborhood has some of the lowest broadband access in the city. Rollout to the rest of Hillsboro, if eventually approved, would take an estimated ten years. City officials discussed the plan with City Council during a work session on[…]