Oh hey, midterm elections. How did I fail to notice that you were just around the corner?

While national political campaigns get all of the sexy news coverage, local elections have a huge impact on our day-to-day lives.  Thanks to our city council, Hillsboro is now a Sanctuary City and has free wifi downtown. Thanks to our school board, school-based health clinics can now provide students with birth control. I don’t know as much about the Washington County Board of Commissioners as I should, but I do know that they oversee a budget that exceeds $1.2 billion each year.

Voting matters, but our time and money during campaign season can have a big impact, as well. Here’s a quick rundown of some of the races happening in or near Hillsboro right now.

Look up your districts here. Websites are linked first; when they did not exist, Facebook pages are linked instead. All candidates are listed in alphabetical order.

Hillsboro City Council

Chair, Washington County Board of Commissioners

State Senate District 13

State Senate District 15

Oregon Senate District 16

House District 23

House District 24

House District 25

House District 26

House District 29

House District 30