Robby Hammond, current Assistant City Manager, will take over as Interim City Manager in January. The appointment was decided during a special city council meeting on Monday, October 15.

Micheal Brown, Hillsboro’s city manager for seven years, is retiring in January. The appointment of an interim city manages means winners of next month’s election will have a hand in choosing Brown’s longterm successor.

From a city press release:

We are confident in Robby’s knowledge, skills, and ability to serve in this capacity, and we are pleased that he is both ready and willing to assume this role. Once the new Council is in place in early January we will decide on our next steps and the timeline for filling the City Manager position with the goal to have a permanent City Manager in place around July 1.

You might think of the mayor as a city’s chief executive, but that’s not the case in city manager governments like Hillsboro, where the mayor and city councillors are more-or-less unpaid and day-to-day operations are run by a full time city manager. The mayor and city council set priorities and pass policies, which are enacted by the city manager.

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