New road will connect 47th Avenue community with 53rd Avenue
Turn right onto Brookwood off main and you’ll see 47th Avenue veering off to the right. That’s currently the only way to get to a small neighborhood, which has emergency workers concerned. So the city is extending Hidden Creek Drive west of 53rd, creating a new way in and out of that neighboorhood. To quote a memo from Rob Dixon, Assistant City Manager:
At the present time, if NE 47th Avenue is blocked due to an accident or natural disaster, residents are unable to get home, and emergency services must access this neighborhood through a locked emergency access gate located in the back of a nearby parking lot. This project will add a second public street connection to the neighborhood. This will improve access for residents and, more importantly, reduce response times and increase reliability for emergency services to access the neighborhood.
Here’s what the road will look like:
The building to the north is CoorsTech, a ceramics company; the empty lot to the south will someday be a community center. The road will be built by OBEC Consulting Engineers, and the cost will not be above $684,497.66 as per the contract authorized.
- March 6 City Council packet, which includes all of the information outlined here.
- More information about the future Community Center, which will be south of the new road.