What’s Happening in Hillsboro? May 30 to June 4
Wasn’t that an amazing holiday weekend? Now get back to work! Okay, fine, you can do more than just work; here’s what’s going on in Hillsboro.
Tonight Bossa Infinite is playing a show at PCC Rock Creek; the guitar duo will play music from Brazil and Cuba. Sounds chill, right?
Speaking of chill: you’ll notice there’s no City Council meeting tonight, despite it being two weeks since the last meeting. That’s because it’s the fifth Tuesday of the month; meetings happen on the first and third Tuesday. The more you know…
If you’re a woman who works in the tech sector, PDX Women in Tech is meeting in Hillsboro Thursday at 7pm, meaning you can attend their happy hour without heading into Portland. Expect light food, drinks, and networking.
Overlapping with that is Family Art Night, where you and your children can create with paint, clay, and more. Tickets are $5, though children under three years old are free. Pre-register, because there are only 20 spots!
On Friday there’s the K-9 Trials and Safety Fair. Cheer for your favorite police dogs at the Hillsboro Stadium, then check out booths with information about safety.
Finally, this weekend, car fans can check out the 2017 All Ford Show and Swap Meet at the Washington County Fair Grounds.
As always, check out our calendar to stay up-to-date about events in your city. You can even add the calendar to your phone or computer.