Plenty of regional and state news have impacts in Hillsboro, so we’ve going to start rounding up stories from other publications we think readers will find interesting. Here’s the first issue.

  • Oregon schools will continue to protect transgender students, despite Trump’s recent changes to Federal policy. Casey Parks/Oregonian
  • Latinos are statistically more likely to get pulled over than white people in Oregon, even when you account for immigration status. Kate Willson/Pamplin Media
  • The Oregon government found $200 million under the couch’s cushions (or the economy is growing faster than expected, whatever.) Chris Lehman/OPB
  • Oregon Secretary of State Dennis Richardson, a Republican, says there’s no voter fraud in Oregon, despite what certain presidents might say. Laura Klinkner/OPB
  • TriMet had no policy for dealing with icy tracks until earlier this year. Elliot Njus/Oregonian